A Few Words of Explanation

Green-living: Living in a way that encourages sustainability and self-sufficiency. Supporting local businesses, local farmers and ranchers, responsible businesses; making conscious choices, thinking about the future. Learning. Growing. And not being a self-righteous annoyance about it.

Bike-riding: My car died last year and, so far, I have chosen not to replace it. In addition to my bike, my transportation strategies include walking, Zipcar, mass transit, and possibly, at some point in the future, a scooter. They’re good choices for me, won’t work for everyone.

Bread-baking: I’m learning to love home cooking, and cooking from scratch. I believe it’s healthier for both myself and the shared future of our culture. And it’s pretty darned yummy.

Book-reading: I learned how to read before I knew how to remember. I’m a voracious, eclectic reader of fiction, non-fiction, history, politics, cooking, crafts, travel, nature, philosophy, and on and on and on.

Garden-making: What food could be more local than the food you grow yourself? I am completely and permanently spoiled for store-bought tomatoes, and getting there for other things as well. Home-grown onions are a revelation.

Crafty: Sewing, knitting, embroidery, applique, hand-weaving, paper crafts, collage, glass bead making, felt sculpture.

Graphic Designer: the best job ever! Something I love and will never, ever grow tired of. Please visit my portfolio.

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